AREA KCIS: Do you wanna storm?

As a part of the induction schedule we were called to “Intro to Clubs” which was being held at Bodh-105. The Ping! Members were passing pamphlets on campus life. I started reading it with excitement as this was a new place to me. I saw many faces looking at it in the same way too. It was beautifully crafted and well designed. It told about the campus life, Clubs, JC, DLF, Self-Driving cars and then I noticed a reference to the labs in the campus. It said, “Our Labs may not be as interesting as Area 51 but it is worth storming!”. I showed the reference to one of my new friends I had made on campus. We laughed at it. It is great to find new people with similar interests.
“Anyway we will not be able to storm Area 51 on September 22nd as we probably will have mid-sems and assignments. So why don’t we storm KCIS tonight?” I said. “ We can storm tonight as there will be just 10 of ‘em at Area 51 anyway. We can get more fools like us here too.” he replied. “ We can compare Computer Science research with alien research too.” I added. We went to mess after the meet and collected four more idiots like us to join us for the storm. While recruiting one of them said, “We are not allowed in KCIS but the seniors told the washrooms inside KCIS are pretty nice if you don’t like the ones inside the hostel. But it is a fact that we are not allowed.” To be frank, he was not recruited because we didn’t consider him to be an idiot like us. We went to the KCIS at 10 and there were like 10 of us. “This will be better than the storm at Area 51 we have more people you know..” I explained. KCIS was magnificent. The architecture felt like science fiction. We walked through the corridor that was dark with dim lights. “I feel like walking through Hawkins lab” one from the gang spoke out. “Hopefully we find some demogorgons” I joked. We found a big door and it was written restricted area.
“Should we go in?” My friend asked doubtfully. “Why not?” I asked and opened the door. We walked bend so that we don’t get noticed. We walked behind the huge equipment. It was all crazy equipments like from outer space. We saw many profs standing not in lab coats but in casuals. “What kind of researchers are they? They don’t have lab coats and crazy chemicals!” one from the gang said. Nobody replied. We looked closely. There were many strange creatures standing. My joke has become a reality partially. They were not Demogorgons but were aliens. We saw their ship. It was fantastically terrifying. We were all frightened. I took my phone out and made an event on FB “Why storm Area 51 when you have KCIS to storm?”. But no idiot was interested in it. We all sat there and overheard the conversation. The aliens were using the KCIS as a base and taking help from the profs to use AI to take over the world. It was better than bringing the alien force to take over the world from their galaxy. May be they took help from the profs at ISB. Then I noticed a notification that said someone was interested in the event. I looked at the notification and was horrified . It was one of the profs. I looked up . One of the aliens was advancing on us. “I am not graduating in my life time leave 5 years” I thought horrified. Black out. I woke up at Bodh in between a talk. “Why can’t they make the induction programme less hectic, shorter? Eh?” I shouted at my friend. I was tired of the long day.
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