Flashback to Felicity

*Felicity is the annual techno-cultural fest organized by IIIT-Hyderabad. A three day long spectacle, it involves a range of exciting activities, competitions, workshops and stunning performances by bands from all over India.
We have here for you, two freshers gushing(or we could replace gushing with “going wax-poetic”) over their first felicity experience.*
“Whew! Well. That was the end of a hectic 3 days! “
“Dude, I am sad to see it end. Like devastated. College will never be the same. :(”
“ Overdoing the dramatic effect again !! -_-”
“:P You know I can’t help it! ”

“Never seen so many people outside their rooms. And so many people from outside in our college. I had no clue there were so many people in our college 😛 Some of the seniors I hadn’t even known existed till a week before. Same goes for some of our batchmates as well. Or maybe thats just me. But everyone came out and contributed to making these days the awesome experience they were. :)”
“Hahaha! Well. We had done our parts too. Organizing a whole Treasure Hunt mazing through the college, reading and writing stories, running about with colours and paints, and then ending the day with sore throats and broken legs from music and dance rehearsals! And in the end we put up such a spectacular show. The Inaugurals simply rocked. Dance forms from all over India.”

“I had so much fun painting your face for the face painting competition. You never looked better in your life. 😛 Too bad we didn’t win. And the informals were a riot. The Make-a-friend and the Balloon dancing and so much more. Personally those were my favourites.”
“I think more than the events, the thrill and excitement was in the moments leading up to it. It was in those late-night meetings staying up with a chalkboard, a cup of coffee and a bunch of friends. It was in the lines of worry we had just before people poured in for events. It was in those pats on our backs when we were done. I’ll miss those times :’)”
“So will I. And not to forget all those new friends we made, new things we never did before. All the experiences that we had never had before.

“ Remember Raghu Dixit’s performance? How everyone had screamed their lungs out in awe when he had sung Kabhi Kabhi ? And how we had cheered for Lagori! I’ll always remember that moment when after their last song, for just a moment, absolutely everyone was silent. Stunned silence. And then huge uproar! 😀 “
“And Raghu Dixit teaching us that song in (what language was it?) . It was such an upbeat tune. And though none of us understood a word, everyone sang along nevertheless. It was an impromptu Party. And the DJ night too. :D”

“Talking about passion, how can we forget Threads? With so many passionate coders around. Threads was the most popular event of Felicity. With participants from over 15 countries! It was such a super-duper hit. And the Robotics Events. They were a feast. Work and play mixed into one cocktail. Kudos to the participants and the organisers.”
“I think for me, Felicity was the best time I have known in college. I will remember and look back fondly to the 3 days and the weeks of hard work, slacking, insomnia and rushes of adrenaline leading up to it. ”

One we will never forget . Our first ever Felicity. And it’s so great that we’ll have so many more. Each one bigger and better than the previous. ”