Vim Club has its first session !

IIIT’s Vim Club held its first session on 15th January, in SH1. The club started off as a Facebook group created by Yoogottam Khandelwal, a UG-2 student. He initially created the group to share useful Vim resources and to get people to see the potential of this powerful text editor. His dreams, however, came true when the IIIT OSDG decided to hold an actual session to let him introduce a few Vim commands and get people somewhat familiar to Vim.
The session mainly covered basic commands that help format text quickly and efficiently. The main reason Vim is so versatile is that it understands the structure of your text. Despite Yoogottam’s best efforts to convince the attendees that Vim is “intuitive”, the number of keys he was pressing for a single command was quite daunting for anyone new to the text editor (sorry Yoogottam). Still, he did a great job of explaining conceptually how and why each command does what it does.
It can be stated with reasonable certainty that those who attended the session enjoyed exploring this cavern of a text editor (even though it’s so much more than that). Some attendees were immediate converts, taking notes of the session itself in Vim (meta, I know). For those readers wondering what the fuss is all about, the session material is available on Yoogottam’s GitHub repository. His .vimrc (the file through which you can customize Vim) is also available on GitHub.