The Ragging Article: Editor’s Response

This article was published in Ping on July 17th, 2018 with regards to the ragging and sexual harassment faced primarily by boys in campus, and received a large amount of criticism and acclaim from the student community.
In a time when students are afraid to call out ragging and doubt themselves instead of filing complaints against perpetrators, here is a piece that speaks the raw truth and also analyses the issue at several levels.
Apart from throwing light on the grim situation, the author also speaks out about his own experiences, calls out two perpetrators and files complaints against them, and encourages others to do the same.
By explicitly naming the perpetrators, the author was able to share his experiences fully, giving others courage to call out ragging too. More importantly, the author was able to make a statement against the prevailing ‘perpetrator protectionism’. In case of a crime, people are less entitled to their privacy, and this is more applicable in a first person account.
Ping allowed the names in this case because we have reasonable evidence (which the author will share with the ARC) to show the events have occurred, the events were public in nature with several people witnessing them and the author filed a formal complaint himself, taking responsibility for his claims.
We have sufficiently analysed the article, and interrogated the author before publication. In the case that the allegations turn out to be false, both the author and the editor are accountable.
We did not reach out to those named in the article before publication, but did so the moment it was pointed out. We still await their replies.
Ping is happy to publish this article and will continue to be a platform for people to speak out about important issues.