That Semester Of Turns

There are a lot many in college but none were like this.
Getting through this one semester was a bliss.
‘Coz there’s lots in these five months that I learnt.
Maybe that’s why I call it “That Semester of Turns”.
Last winter changed everything for me.
Had a purpose at a lab, got some professional glee.
Beating the drums was something I couldn’t resist.
Don’t, just yet, is what my dad would insist.
‘Coz there’s more in this sem up for learns.
Maybe that’s why I call it “That Semester of Turns”.
This January, I was a different man.
Noted what I’m gonna do, not just saw what I can.
Then came Feb, I lost a bit of my sanity.
Guess who stepped in? Yes, it was vanity.
But I learned in time that vanity gives you burns.
I guess that’s why I call it “The Semester of Turns”.
March came, I was officially an in-law.
And came face-to-face with my biggest flaw.
By this time I’d been into R&D as a volunteer.
But Toastmasters was what gave me enough cheer.
Then came April, we reached the end of the sem.
Everything kept aside, I did preps and projects in tandem.
So it was Toastmasters that gave me an identity,
A family to lean on, I found out about in serendipity.
Since then I vowed to attend more of it in the Banyan City.
Where, I found a lot of people, each one a different kind of witty.
Oh, I forgot something, didn’t I?
That I became an MP this year, and got high?
Oh no, neither on alcohol nor drugs nor weed.
But on the importance of an MP and the weight of deed.
And that’s how I started getting wiser in this timespan,
Changing from a childish guy to a devoted man.
And that’s how, slowly, gradually, with time, a simple guy like me learns.
So much so that years from now, I’ll look back at this and say
“I learnt a lot, fell a lot and grew a lot in that ‘Semester Of Turns’”.