Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Left Brain, Write Brain

Ping! Is proud to announce the first-ever national writing contest – organized in association with IIIT Hyderabad’s Felicity 2020.

Note: The deadline has been extended to 2nd March.

Prizes worth 15k up for grabs!

We’ve always believed in the power of media to convey ideas, thoughts, and to express creativity. With prompts for high school and college students (with separate prizes), we can’t wait to see what you come up with! Submissions will be judged by an esteemed panel at IIIT and winning entries will be published on the website! Get the juices flowing and get writing!

Register here

Topics: The topics and their descriptions may be found on page 3 of the contest brochure which may be downloaded here.

Rules for the Writing Contest: 

Plagiarism – defined as follows – will not be permitted and will result in elimination from the contest: 

  1. Turning in someone else’s work as one’s own 
  2. Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
  3. Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks 
  4. Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation 
  5. Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit 
  6. Copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on “fair use” rules) 

Deadline: 2nd March 11:55pm. There will be no extensions. Note that 11:55pm means 5 minutes before 12 at night. 

  1. Eligibility: The candidate must meet either of the following criteria to be eligible for the event:  
    1. School Category: Must be enrolled in an academic institution recognized by any Secondary Education board in the respective countries and studying in grades equivalent to classes 8-12 or 
    2. College Category: Must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree in any university recognized by the World Higher Education Database or UGC(in India) 
  2. Languages: Participants may submit only one submission per topic in English
  3. Topic: Participants may submit one piece per category.   Since, the topics vary for high school and college, ensure that the topic is part of your corresponding category. Submissions which do not belong to the correct category will be disqualified. 
  4. Participants must submit ID proof when awards are announced. Inability to do so will result in elimination from the competition. 
  5. Articles remain the intellectual property of the author but will be published in Ping! The author reserves the right to republish the piece of work 
  6. Submission Format: Only PDF submissions will be accepted. Ensure that entries adhere to ‘Times New Roman’, size 12. For non-English submissions, ensure that the text is legible.

Submit your entries by 2nd March 2020.