An act of benevolence
Date- 28/04/09
3 years back, it was afternoon time (around 1-2 pm) when an accident took place at the cafeteria (Coffee Shop /Jersey) . The sugar cane juice guy’s (Srinivas) fingers were crushed while making the juice and his hand was badly wounded. He was immediately taken to the hospital and at that time it seemed that he had almost lost his hand.
Thinking of same creates panic. It’s hard to picturize what the situation would have been at that very moment. By looking over the injury it seemed that lot of money would be required for treatment. So, the students were asked to contribute/donate money for this cause. Many people came forward to lead the initiative and the news regarding the accident spread across all the people within a span of few hours. It was hoped that the collection would be around 5-8k but to the surprise of all by the next day the whole collection been raised was a sum of Rs 27k. Not to mention this amount got collected in a span of 1 day and that 400+ students came forward to contribute for same. The records still remain, people from all batches UG, PG, MS, Ph.D and MSIT all came forward and contributed for this cause.
As is said-action speaks for itself, it still might seemed unbelievable but it happened— Rs 27 k were collected in just one day! The important part of this whole incident is not about the money collected but the attitude and spirit that was exhibited by the students, which was commendable.
In the words of the guy who was leading the initiative, Adita Teja-
“The gesture itself speaks volumes about our helping spirit which we all showed in a time of need. The way some people have taken the initiative to spread the word and collect money is worth mentioning”
Some part of the money was given to the sugarcane guy to meet the cost of his treatment . The rest has been used for several noble causes such as contribution to flood affected people. At present we have Rs 10.5k of it remaining.
The incident is not so big but the learning and the way the things took place are plausible. This is what we call the power of student community– people are ready to take challenges, face hardships doesn’t matter in what form they come. This is one of such several incidents which have happened in the past, and hope that in the future too the students of IIIT-Hyderabad will exhibit similar attitude and spirit.
For there are times which come and go, what lies still is our true self, our character