Echoes – 23.05.2020

Informally dubbed the ‘Corona Chronicles’, the new Echoes issue focuses on the impact of the pandemic at IIIT and beyond.

DASA Concerns Due to COVID-19
The 14th March mail from the director asking students to leave for their homes probably raised more questions than it answered and definitely so, for the DASA students* of the college. Being residents of different countries, lots of different issues plagued their minds on being asked to return home… [Read More]

Campus Life Online
We currently face the possibility of the next semester being conducted either partially, or entirely online. While the hope is that the situation would normalise in the coming 2-3 months… [Read More]

What if…? Considerations for a IIIT Post Pandemic
What if we could P* everything? What if there were recorded and live-streamed lectures? What if there was no attendance? What if IIIT had OpenCourseWare? What if there was another crisis? [Read More]

A Possible Change in the Approach Towards Fake News
Did you know that lighting a candle every day outside your balcony increases the atmospheric temperature by approximately 2 degrees and thus is one of the major contributors to global warming? … [Read More]

To P* or not to P*
Everyone who seemed to have a semester going downhill might have rejoiced a little on reading the mail from the Dean’s Office. The idea of taking a P* (or a Pass grade) really uncomplicates things. [Read More]

A New Apex Formed
The Apex Body of IIIT Hyderabad remains one of the most significant and recognizable committees in college. Tasked with helping freshers make the transition from clueless high school graduates to slightly more clued-in college freshmen… [Read More]