Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

10 thoughts on “Cleaning up the Mess?

  1. > Earlier, certain meals in messes had over 800 people availing, which strained the capacities of the mess
    I would actually love to see the data, we can prolly do a bit more statistics to help because number of people per meal is just too opaque a metric not taking into account rush hour etc.

    > Student sysadmins attempted to add mess-wise caps to the old mess portal, however, they were unable to do it in time
    Whytf are they so insecure about the code. They had a month. If the code was open source, i’m sure the student community couldve done a satisfactory implementation (unless the issue is with integrating with the hardware)

    > the decision was made to redo the portal with the help of the IT Team.
    i would also like the see the timeline of events that happened here, im guessing they started thinking about it too late and gave very little time for the sysadmins and gave into their ims fetish.

    > While in conversation, it was discovered that most of the changes were introduced to paper over the technical limitations of the current setup.
    I do not understand this statement

    > This required storing everyone’s details locally.
    I’m assuming this is a limitation of the device?

    > The manner in which the current machines are set up does not allow for decoupling of biometrics with RFID
    Is it not possible to change the set up? how long will it take? can we buy new machines?

    > biometric details aren’t the smallest form of data, reportedly running into GBs
    you might wanna fact check that one

    > the machines reportedly only provide the functionality to add or remove identities through a GUI, let alone an API
    Seriously, how did they not anticipate this to be a problem when setting this up initially (hindisight ig)

    > Still with me?

    > poor soul to actually click buttons to upload the identities of every person for all meals, it was decided that this process should happen only once weekly
    Autohotkey time? yeah i think its autohotkey time (idk, i dont have enough info to comment ig)

    > Because the company providing the authentication machines chooses to make them as dumb as a brick with no recourse

    > Ensuring that the mess office gets an accurate number atleast 4 days in advance
    Is the deviation from week to week so different? Again having the data would be nice
    Since the regs are capped won’t they already have that data for the most part? or do we have fewer students than total slots?

    1. I would actually love to see the data

      Same. We did request, but we received a non-comittal reply.

      im guessing they started thinking about it too late

      Mostly correct.

      I’m assuming this is a limitation of the device?

      Your assumption is spot on.

      Is the deviation from week to week so different? Again having the data would be nice

      We did ask this. It turns out that while during the semester, there isn’t as much variation, it really shoots up during exam weeks for example. Again, we did ask for concrete numbers, but we could not get them.

  2. This is great and really helps to improve transparency. I do, however, have some questions though:
    1. Until better machines are brought about, will the weekly registration system continue? Has a timeline been given for when they’ll be able to procure better machines? This is specifically in relation to his claim that this system is flexible, which I personally don’t agree with.
    2. Bringing on caps is a bandaid on a broken system right? A higher demand for a particular mess (let us take the example of Sunday Biryani or a Wednesday Dosa) highlights the need for better alternatives rather than a FCFS system that is just unable to provide the food. Were these points raised with Prof. Girish? Especially with the weekly system (which is here to stay for awhile), this forces students to deal with subpar options, and encourages them to turn towards unhealthy and expensive options.

    1. Has a timeline been given for when they’ll be able to procure better machines?

      No. As per our knowledge, they are working towards redoing the mess portal, and then the hardware. So it can be quite some time until things are back to normal.

      claim that this system is flexible, which I personally don’t agree with.

      Nor do we. Which is why we wanted to highlight it.

      A higher demand for a particular mess (let us take the example of Sunday Biryani or a Wednesday Dosa) highlights the need for better alternatives rather than a FCFS system that is just unable to provide the food.

      We are curious to what ideas you have (no snark). All the alternatives we came up with either did not satisfy the requirements, or were thought about by the Mess Office already, or were far more complicated to implement and reason about.

  3. I have problem with only one of their radical changes, which is not allowing people to choose their meals from different messes. And what I gather from the article and the comment section it seems that the college, cheap-ed out while buying the authentication machines (as the article says there is no API, only a GUI for uploading fingerprint data) and/or some of their data is incorrect/they are lying. According to ISO/IEC 19794-4, storing a compressed fingerprint + some numeric identifiers should be KBs not GBs……and with the (ineffective) registration caps introduced for the messes, it would be (2x650x20 KB) [2 fingers per person, largest mess caps are at 650, assuming fingerprint data takes 20KB with Identifiers according to ISO 19794-4] which comes out to be 26000 KB = 26 MB
    (unrelated tangent, one of the authentication machines used in North Mess used to say “Main Gate”, does that mean, one can spoof it? lol)

    Back to data storage in authentication machines… if they were to store 3 sets of fingerprint data in each machine, 1 each for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a day….it would be 78 MB…..assuming each day the data set changed…then it would require 546 MB of data for a week…..which is not close to the claim of GBs.

    To conclude, what I gather from my reading of ISO 19794-4 and the article, college cheaped out while buying authentication machines or the college is in such a dire condition that they can’t afford new authentication machines, hence they have decided to take away the freedom of students to choose their own meals.

    This new system in no way benefits the students, what was this man high on while coming up with this system….I need some of that to cope up with my grades 🙁

    PS : iirc PJN said in an FSIS that making changes to IMS takes a lot of time and it wouldn’t be possible to make changes to the course registration forms on IMS and yet somehow the magical IT team managed to implement a dogwater mess registration system to suck money out of our/our parents’ pockets.

    1. assuming each day the data set changed…then it would require 546 MB of data for a week…..which is not close to the claim of GBs.

      Thank you for the effort! We were also extremely suspicious of this claim, but we did not have any numbers to back it up. We are reaching out to Prof. Girish as we speak to check on this.

      1. Quoting a response from Prof. Girish: (credit to him for his quick reply)

        Institute uses a device provided by external vendor. As far as I know, it is used as a black box. We don’t know how they store the data.
        What I can confirm is for uploading data for 600 students to the device, it takes more than 3 hrs currently using the process/ software provided by the vendor. The IT team is not happy with this and is requesting students help is building an alternative system which can be much more efficient as you pointed out.
        We will be happy to buy and give the interested students the required hardware and support.

        If you wish to contribute to this effort, reaching out to your MP would be helpful.

  4. Did you ask any questions about how the mess caps were arrived at? They do not add up to the student count, leaving a lot of people without any registered mess. The randomised allocation has also not been put into place, meaning that if you forget to register, you just go without food for the next week.

    Another thing is that limiting people to one mess for the entire week makes no sense even with logistics in mind. The previous system, with simply a 4-day limit to booking meals, should still work, what is the logic for completely doing away with it?

    It has long been a joke that the best software system which works in this supposedly IT college is the mess portal. I’m not happy about its demise

    1. Did you ask any questions about how the mess caps were arrived at?

      Yes. The reply we got was that the caps are set to 3 times the seating capacity (rounded off). We are planning to cross-verify the claim independently.

      The randomised allocation has also not been put into place.

      What apparantly transpired was that they wanted a final list of people from Jan 9th (when the course registration window closes). Until then, people were free to not register. However, the mess office is suspiciously quiet on these aspects.

  5. While I thank Monish for putting out most of what we discussed, one important point was missed.

    Most institutes that I know of run an monthly registration system (student is tied to a mess for an entire month). In IIT Hyderabad and Mahendra University nearby, they have a single mess for 4000+ students. Compared to this, even with the weekly registration system, IIIT Hyderabad runs a highly student friendly system with 4 mess for 2000 students.

    Its very easy to take this for granted. Maybe (especially ug students) don’t know how it’s in other places. Current flexible mess system is maintained by putting extra efforts from staff members and faculty. We want to refocus more on Hiegene which means work of staff members on the registration system needs to be reduced. I am glad that few ug1 students have come forward with a clear plan in automating tasks and maintaining flexibility. Hopefully this will be ready in a month or two along with the renovated mess.

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