Boats and Valorant

We continue, from last time, in Bakul Nivas.
Our first interview starts in a room which might as well be our very own- with absolute chaos of paraphernalia on one person’s side of the room, and pristine cleanliness on the other. Our interviewee is one who always has a playful smile on his face, which compliments his shy demeanor. You’d often catch him spending hours playing Valorant or any other video game. Naturally smart, well-loved, and cat-like personality- he’s one of a kind.
This is his interview.
“Would you want to be famous in any way–and if so, what way exactly?”
“Yeah, honestly, like the normal kind of famous, like everyone knows who you are, knows your story.” || “The kind where you go anywhere and you would be surrounded by people–that kind of famous. You just think it would be really cool.” || “I mean, who does not want to be famous?”
“What would you want to be famous for?”
“That is a good question. Honestly, probably for being really good at something, like a sport, or a game.” || “Most likely a game.”
“What about studies?”
“No, not really.”
“Competitive Valorant?”
“Honestly, yeah–maybe?”
“How about Competitive Programming?”
“Okay, let’s talk about CP another day, shall we?”
“If you were told you would die in 24 hours, what would you do at that time?”
“I’d spend the first 10 minutes making a bucket list of things I haven’t done that I want to do.” || “And then I do them, as much as I can.”
“What’s a piece of advice you’d give to a stranger, someone you’d never meet ever again?”
“To always believe you’re the best at whatever you do, even if you aren’t, you know.” || “Be delusional, think you’re the greatest. That’s the only way you can succeed in life.” || “If you think you’re better than everyone, you try and do things that make sure you’re better than everyone. And in the end,” || “It turns out to be true.”
The next interviewee is admirably steadfast in his beliefs, and always brings with him a contagious air of confidence. If you were to somehow miss him on the football ground, or in the gym – you might find him neck-deep in a book. Hardworking, stoic, and honest, this is our interview with him.
“Okay da, Tell me something you are proud about.”
“I am very–like if you leave my professional life aside, I consistently go to gym, I maintain my diet, I stay fit and I’ve been doing that for a very long time.” || “So I’d say I’m proud of that.”
“If I told you were going to die in 24 hours, how would you spend that time?”
“I’d sleep.”
“You sure?”
“I’d sleep for like, 8 hours.” || “Then I’d wake up, 16 hours left. Probably go to the gym.”
“Uh huh, what next?” || “No way you’re spending 16 hours in the gym.”
“I don’t know, probably go to a club. Find a girl – and then I die.”
“If you could have tea with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?”
“Can I give two people?”
“Yeah, go ahead.”
“Elon Musk and David Goggins.”
“What do you find interesting about them?”
“Elon Musk is a very fascinating guy, like how he thinks, how he approaches life, how he approaches his problems.” || “I’d like to sit there with him, just talk about things, like how he deals with stuff in general.”
“And David Goggins?”
“Well, obviously, he’s so disciplined, the only guy who doesn’t procrastinate.” || “I think I’d also add Jordan Peterson to the list.”
“You can keep going as much as you want.”
“No, that’s it for now.”
“Okay, last question. What is a piece of advice you would give to a stranger?”
“Come down to Bakul Nivas room no [REDACTED] .”
“(laughs) Shut up.”
“I guess, I mean, live in the present moment, you know.” || “Be happy for what you are. Think about the future, and work accordingly.” || “You’d be much happier than you are now.”
“If you were told that you would die in 24 hours, how would you spend that time?”
“I’d prefer to die now.” || “I don’t care about life.”
“Damn, dude.” || “What’s a piece of advice you’d give a stranger?”
“Die as fast as you can.”
“Die as fast as you can.” || “Okay, that’s all the questions. Sorry for surrounding you.”
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