The Ping! Radical Empathy Project

- The Ping! Radical Empathy Project
- Chess, Time-Turners, and Tea
- Shivering in the sunlight
- Blessings
- Peace of mind.
- Boats and Valorant
How many people do we walk by every day without knowing anything about them? We sit next to people in class, without even knowing their names, let alone their ambitions, goals or little happinesses. In all earnestness, we might smile at people every day, but we don’t truly know most people around us.
To fix this, our team of writers from Ping! decided to spend a few minutes with students of this prestigious fast-paced college– to have a simple conversation.
As our team scrambled around campus trying to find people who were willing to answer our list of questions, we discovered that each person had their own perspectives on life. Their own spark that burns their flame, their own glint in their eyes.
Each person’s interview tells us something unmistakable about them. These individual dreams, aspirations and goals are strokes of paint that represent the beauty of the canvas of IIIT.
This project, in a way, is our tribute to the beauty of the people in the campus. We call it our very own Radical Empathy Project, heavily inspired by the podcast of the same name. So sit down, make yourself cosy, and spend 5 minutes of your day with us and all of these beautiful people.
Part 1 – Chess, Time-Turners, and Tea
The first person we got the privilege of interviewing, is his very own character. His laid-back personality and endless jokes make him very endearing. You’ll often see him mull over a chess game, or go into intense debates about anything political. You might catch him around JC, late into the night, a cup of tea in hand, with a group of friends. We interviewed him in one of these “chai-breaks”. Read more…
Part 2 – Shivering in the sunlight
It was one of those 3 am walks; and as a general routine, we all stopped by David’s to buy the beloved fried Maggi. This is where we met our first interviewee.
He is one who never shies away from saying what he’s thinking. At first glance, he might seem intimidating. But once he speaks his mind, you can’t help but be in awe of him. He’s got the perfect mix of charisma and drive, that can enamour anybody. Read more…
Part 3 – Blessings
As we visit the familiar hub of the workspace, our first interviewee catches our eye. She is the type to lighten up the room by just being there. She is blunt, funny and brilliant. Words cannot wholly describe how enigmatic she is. You’ll see her coding, designing, dancing, singing- name it. She does everything with a huge smile on her face. Read more…
Part 4 – Boats and Valorant
We continue, from last time, in Bakul Nivas.
Our first interview starts in a room which might as well be our very own- with absolute chaos of paraphernalia on one person’s side of the room, and pristine cleanliness on the other. Our interviewee is one who always has a playful smile on his face, which compliments his shy demeanor. Read more…
Part 5 – Peace of Mind
Our first interviewee this week is the kind of person you’d categorize as cool as soon as you see him. He’s the type who can talk about anything and everything. You’ll find him engaged in a variety of activities, from tinkering with circuitry to shredding on his guitar. Smart, eccentric, and charismatic — this is his interview. Read more…