Alumni Webpages Removed

Picture Credits: 'Pentaprism' - Photography Club of IIIT-H
Alumni web-pages are often one of the best ways to learn about the institute’s alumni and history. However, if you recently visited an alumnus’s personal or research web page, you would have been greeted by an “Error 404” web page. This is because of the recent decision of the institute to take down alumni web pages.
The institute had previously allowed alumni to store their web pages, so to learn more about this, we emailed the head of Resources and Development & Alumni Affairs, Ms. Meenakshi Vishwanathan, on this matter. As per her reply, IIIT Hyderabad currently has more than 5000 alumni. This number is bound to grow as more and more people graduate in the coming years. The institute does not have the capacity and the infrastructure to store the personal data of alumni. For this reason, as an IT policy, the institute cannot give alumni space to store their data or host their web pages once they have graduated. She also added that alumni could contact her to resolve issues regarding data stored on IIIT servers
This is not the first IT policy change for alumni over the past year. The institute asked the alumni to transfer their data stored on the Google suite before the institute migrated to Office365. While the mailbox, contacts and calendar were migrated to Office 365, the alumni were asked to transfer their data from Google Scholar, Youtube, Google Photos, and other Google applications associated with their institute email ID to their personal email IDs.
The following facilities are still available to alumni:
- Email Access (
- Password Reset
- Alumni Portal
This policy is also applicable to students who graduated in 2020 and are now registered as alumni.