Freshers’ 2020: IIIT Lingo

Whether or not you’ve been in this college for long, you’ll soon start seeing something different about it. Amidst the apparent Greek that people would speak rambling about Needleman–Wunsch algorithm or some newfangled SOTA model in some obscure paper that nobody except the writer himself actually bothered to read about, you would actually hear some amount of Hindi/English vocab in the speech. But even “normal” speech has its own quirks and lingo that IIIT students call their own. So if you wanna take it lite and not be a kassi or something, read on. JC Treat assured. (not really though)
Lite [laɪt]
The kind of sentiment that is exactly what is making you read this article instead of working on your assignment. The usage depends on the context. If your TA tells you to take the material covered “lite”, it means to “take it easy”. If your TA tells you to take the marks allotted “lite”, you’re supposed to “fuck off”
CG is lite, which I can say with enough confidence being a second year and having no idea about life.
Bond [bɑnd]
A person who is good at what they do. Whether it be studying, coding, singing, dancing, writing this article – a bond is just a great person throughout. Also used sarcastically by the “saap” friend to make fun of you.
My name is bond. CP bond.
Phoda Machaya [fɒʀɑ mɐçɑ:jɑ]
The usual caption to an “embarrassing” pic of you which is usually accompanied by a demand for a treat with the justification that you’ll now have “andha paisa”. Literally means “burst (it), made an impression on (it)”
Bro phoda machaya, now partayyyyyy
Saap [sɑ:p]
Either means a literal snake slithering around OBH road, or more commonly used (directly translated to a snake) to describe the kind of friend who says they NEVER study and still gets an A at the end of the semester. I mean what kind of person pulls this kind of crap? Just admit you studied or something and chill with it? Yeah, you know whom I’m talking about.
He’s such a saap, I hope he dies a painful death.
JC [d͡ʒe sɪ]
Juice Canteen. The place you go to at 1 AM after completing an assignment, after which you get a Double Oreo Shake. Then you go to the benches nearby and sit and hang out with your friends and just generally… chill. It’s the place you want to be in, and the place that still feels like home even though it’s far away. It’s also the place where most confessions will ask you to come to.
Bro, JC Chalega? Haan bro, chalte hai.
VC [ʌɪ sɪ]
Vindhya Canteen, called because it’s near the Vindhya building. You’re probably going to grab your morning breakfast here because when you wake up at 11:45 for a 11:30 class and want to make it in time for the attendance, you need to grab that trusty veg roll
You go, I’ll grab something at VC and then head to class.
BBC [bɪ bɪ sɪ]
Not the first thing that came into your mind. Ew. No, not the second thing either, that’s more of a British thing anyway. Anyway, it’s our Basket-Ball Canteen, because it’s near the Basketball court. Someone probably added the extra ‘B’ to avoid confusion with VC, go figure. If you’re a IIIT student, you have heard “Bhaiya Cheese Maggi” at-least once. Or more, usually.
Man, I’m hungry for some BBC right now. Can you give it to me?
DLF [dɪ el æf]
Officially, not a part of the campus, but a line of street food stalls near the DLF Office Complex, but you will start depending on the tava bonda for your 4 am cravings. If you throw a bonda in DLF, you’ll probably hit a IIIT student. A famous line of street food for others, just another part of the campus for IIITians.
Anyone at DLF? Seniors asking.
Ragging [ˈrægɪŋ]
[entry does not exist]
Interaction [ˌɪntəˈrækʃən]
Talking, chatting, you know what it means. Well, okay, I’ll define it “properly”. Communication or direct involvement with someone or something. There you go.
This fresher seems so interesting, I really want to interact with him when he joins college.
Reeelaaaax [rɪ::::::::læ::::::::ks]
You hear this in Yoga classes, and the word is probably going to have every effect on you apart from its literal meaning. Usually though, when you hear it, it is usually a great way to squeeze in a 15-minute nap to chill with.
Kassi [kɐs’i]
A bond, but the kind that actually cares about his life and works on his CGPA/single-minded pursuits for success. These are the very people Rancho spoke about when he suggested running towards excellence and not success. A kassi is basically a bond with a negative connotation, and we can safely diss them in this article because they’re probably not reading it anyway.
Man, she has a higher CG than mine. Whatta kassi.
Felicity [felɪsɪtɪ]
This is a span of three days where fourth years go to Goa, the aforementioned kassis go home, and the others enjoy the best (and only) fest IIIT has to offer, Felicity. It’s no Mood Indigo, but it’s better. It’s our fest. You’ll hate working for it, you’ll hate moments of being in it, and you’ll probably crib about your assignments. All said and done, it’s an amazing experience and it’s a memory worth having.
Sir, assignment extension please, Felicity is coming.
FC [æf sɪ]
It stands for “Football Club”. No idea why it’s relevant in this article.
FC ka full form bol, das vaar.
OJ [ɔ: d͡ʒe]
If you have been reading a lot of confessions about it, it’s because OJ is something that sharply divides the campus into two. Ping! has written an article about it, and it’s basically the Assignment portal for our core Programming courses. Hate it, love it, you can’t ignore it. Unless you know what MOSS is. Shhh, we don’t talk about that here.
Faccha [fɐç’a:]
A fresher. Probably what you are right now. If you’ve read till here, welcome to IIIT. You’re gonna have a lot of fun here, and you’re gonna make a lot of memories along the way. If you ever want to just chat about life in IIIT, just hit up any senior here. Remember, they’re probably more scared of you than you are of them.
Idk what a faccha is, I’m a fresher.
Thanks to Harsh, Tejasvi and Ainesh for all their edits and contributions in forms of ideas/proof-reading.