Wise Wendy

Designed by Saravanan Senthil
Our associate Wendy seems to want to be “hip” and “happening” and thus would like to answer your questions with the highest form of comedy – memes. Please don’t go away.
Q: Me and my friends always chill out, even before the exams. Yet they seem to always score more than me. Why does this happen?

Q: There was so much debate about cross entry. There was even a Life post about it, what’s happening to it?
Q: Why do all the TAs fuck us over in evals? Please help.
Q: I am getting really pissed at all the people demossing in OJ. I could only do 5 but people have simply copied each other’s code. I think this is really wrong. Should I complain? I don’t want to as they’re my batchmates but I am highly considering it.
Q: I see a lot of confessions but am wondering how many of them are true? I’m considering making a confession on the girl I like but will she believe it or will she think it’s fake?
Q: I have a friend whom I have started liking since a few months. How to know if she likes me back?
Q: I feel jealous of single degree students. They’ll leave and get internships while I’ll be stuck doing some useless research. What can I do?
Q: I do all my assignments by myself but my friends copies it from me. What should I do? I don’t want to complain but if I say no they call me a kassi
Q: Why does Ping! suck?
Q:Why do all students think that every DASA is from Dubai?
Author: “Wendy”
Designer: Saravanan Senthil