Top 7: What makes you a IIITian?

BC on the felicity stage
Dance like you can, perform like an artist. You won’t always meet people in life that force you to steal the limelight. Enjoy while it lasts!
24 hour hackathon
The brainstorming, the sleeplessness, the pressure due to last minute major changes in idea and implementation are all a must have learning experience.
Late nights at amphi/FG with friends
An ol’ school game of truth or dare, childhood memories of the happier times, gossip or listening to your favorite tunes. The experience is heightened by the quiet breezy night under the stars.
Your midnight best friend for the years as a IIITian. The restaurants may have closed but DLF stalls are always there for the rescue!
A game of Mafia
Because nothing is more mind boggling with all the reverse psychology provided you know the people to play with!
Juice canteen and its chocolate milkshakes
Because Dinesh Bhaiya is OP.
Orientation trip
Because that’s the easiest batch trip to plan, it’s practically planned for you. Trust us, spoken from experience.