Students’ Parliament Updates

Important Reports and Updates of 100 days Parliament
Students Parliament has took up nearly 50+ issues in the first 100 days. Here are some prominent updates:
1. The TAship stipend was hiked in 2007 from Rs. 1500 to Rs. 2500 for quarter TAs and 3000 to 4500 for Half TA per month. The Parliament wrote to the administration asking for the long overdue hike. The Administration responded promptly and revised the TAship from Rs 2500 to Rs. 3500 per month for Quarter TAs and Rs 4500 to Rs.6000 per month for Half TAs.
2. A formal ‘Recognition letter’, The official letter which students receive from the institute for holding various ‘Positions of Responsibility’ in the campus. This is to be used by students for claiming their participation in activities while applying for higher education or for reference to an employer. The earlier process was rather unorganised and gagged with red-tape. The Parliament streamlined the whole workflow by eliminating the need for individual requests, often years after graduating. By bringing together all requests and verifying them in one go will also bring in more transparency and accountability. A portal for this application will be launched really soon.
3. The process to obtain a No-Dues certificate was a cumbersome and painful process for students (as pointed out by outgoing batches).Earlier, Students had to visit 12+ departments to get the no dues signed with each each of them asking at least 2 days to process a request. This year on, the parliament will be hosting a completely automated No Dues Portal where almost all the approvals would be done online. Students would require to get very few manual approvals. This is also very comfortable to the admin staff as they can process requests according to their convinience. This portal is estimated to save 2000 working hours for students every year. (assuming 300 students graduate and at an average of 6.5 hrs per student for 12 departments).To top it all, the Parliament has proposed this portal as a project for the SSAD course and is mentoring the team working on it!
4. Up till recently all students who hadn’t completed their PT credits were restricted to a credit limit of 16(out of a standard 20). This was a cause of concern for Dual degree students who required to drop 2 courses(out of 24 credits) in lieu of this limit. The Parliament brought this issue to the notice of Dr Kamal, Dean Academics. He responded within three days and made a change in the policy. Dual Degree students will now be limited to 20 credits if they default their PT credits.
5. A larger representation of girls in the Parliament was found necessary by Members as well as students and faculty. Nominations were called for the same. Sindhu Kiranmai Ernala, Juhi Tandon, Srishti Aggarwal and Lovlean Arora were inducted into the Parliament.
6. Coordination of the volunteers and planning of certain events during the Convocation, 2014, Independence Day and Foundation Day was jointly handled by the Parliament, Cultural Council and Activities Council.
7. Feedback regarding the Allopathy Doctor was requested by the administration. The parliament conducted a Survey. The survey indicated that the major concern was regarding inconvenient visiting hours. The authorities have taken due cognizance and timings have been revised to 3:30-4:30 p.m. on weekdays. Other concerns highlighted in that survey are currently under review!
8. Class Representative (CR) and Parliament elections for the current UG1 batch were successfully conducted. Sanket Shah(Prithvi), Rohan Srivastava(Vayu), Swaraj Singh Chauhan(Agni) and Vinay Singh (Aakash) are the Parliament members from UG1. Parliament elections for the PG1 students will be held this coming month.
9. The Parliament is currently under the process of preparing a Guidelines book with the help of All the councils and student bodies, so that the current and future councils members may get guidance and benefit from the past work done.
10 . The prices for all the Institue run messes are standardised and OBH south mess is now run by Institute. Canteen contract has been revived. We thank Prof Rawat for putting in lot of effort and time in bringing in many such new reforms in Messes and Hostels.