Felicity Updates!

Every year the month of February is filled with an exciting spirited air of enthusiasm, with students across the batches gearing up to make Felicity, the annual techno-cultural fest of IIIT-H, a phenomenal success. This year Felicity, in its 12th edition, will be held from February 22nd to 24th. It plans to awaken everyone’s inner child through its theme “Animatia”, which will create a pseudo-reality where people can enjoy three days of unadulterated fun, frolic and freedom.
The website felicity.iiit.ac.in was launched on 18th January and is a marvel to look at. It clearly showcases IIIT-H’s leading front in IT with its fine design. And the chat-box which one can easily find on the homepage is an interesting thing to play with . With some really good humour and cool witty answers, the chat-box has totally stolen the show and is a must-try for all.
Kalakshetra each year brings life to Felicity with its unique and exquisite artwork. The dedicated team of Kalakshetra has started to put their vivid imagination on paper, and have already come up with some very eloquent pieces of art. This year they are planning to carve out the letters of Felicity on pumpkins (reminds me of Halloween) and by the time they reached ‘Y’, they realized they had run short of pumpkins to work on! The team welcomes with open hearts any soul who is eager to get their hands dirty with paint and pastel. So come, pick up a paint brush and bring out the artist in you.
To set the nights on fire, bands and artists have finally been decided. Scribe and Paradigm Shift will enthrall the crowds with their mesmerizing performances. Nitin Gupta a.k.a Rivaldo will make the audience laugh in spills with his widely appreciated oratory and stand- up comedy.
Technical events have also been taking place in full sprint witnessing large participations from the enthusiastic students. Code.fun.do, one of the first technical events held as a part of Felicity2k13, was a resounding success. Enthusiastic participation by all the batches, especially the
M-Techs and the first years made the event a grand success. Microsoft (official sponsor, Threads 2013) as well as the Felicity Tech team, are pretty confident of the success of other technical events as well. Don’t forget to test your mettle in events such as Code-Craft and TLE!
For all the Shakespeares out there, Literary Cafe has decided to hold a short advertisement making competition during the days of the fest. All those who believe themselves to be good ‘entertainers’, don’t miss this fun event. Classic events like Group Debate will also be held. So put on your creative thinking caps and be ready to rock!
And, on a mere suggestion to include paper-plane flying as an event in informals, everyone was invited to make paper planes and fly them out at the Felicity grounds one fine evening, on the condition that you brought lots of paper along. Some paper-planes there must have been!
With daily practices happening in the Vindhya and Nilgiri buildings, the corridors are buzzing with activity and the student community is all geared up to rock the event! For those of you who want to take part in the events but don’t know how/where, drop your questions on the main site or contact the FC’s for details. I am sure they would be more than happy to help!
PS: The hard work put into organizing Felicity has also been recognized by the search giant Google. Want to know how? Just google “felicity” and see for yourself!
Felicity’13 \m/